
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Top Articles on Homeschooling

The following individuals/articles/blogs have inspired me to deviate from the generally accepted societal norm of formal schooling and enter a world of "radical" educational views that, surprisingly, feels so right in my heart.

Here are a couple links that have been especially inspirational to me, thus far in my journey:

1. As I have studied what the scriptures and LDS Church leaders have taught about education, my personal educational philosophy has become clearer. Here is a page of many links to articles and scriptures about the eternal importance of education, which was a starting place for my study into this topic:

2. I loved this article which gives an overview of the main homeschooling methods:
and this- "Considering Homeschooling? 10 Things You Need To Know"

3. I love this blog article about some common concerns about unschooling, written by an unschooling mom of 3 (one of which is currently in college):

4. And this one really helped me figure out how to make unschooling work, if I choose to go that route: 
and her free ebook I highly recommend! You can download on her website here:

5. A Thomas Jefferson Education also has some great principles that were already part of my personal philosophy. I especially like the phases of learning they promote, and this article listing ways to homeschool the under 8 crowd, without focusing on academics:

 and this one about this from my current fave homeschooling blog:

6. Sally & Clay Clarkson, an amazing couple who have written "Educating the WholeHearted Child"  I haven't this read yet but I love their philosophy as laid out in several articles from the book "Homeschooling Methods" edited by Paul & Gena Suarez

More to come!